Saturday, June 29, 2013

Time keeps on tickin'....

My day started today, with this new found resolve to enter into my 32nd year healthy and happy....mixed with an overwhelming urge to finish this miniature cake that i got from Costco.

I didn't want to have to eat it--but i made the coffee too strong--and well, the rest is basically history, right?

Its like i never even had a choice!!

So here i sit. With a coffee and a cake at 10:26 on a Saturday morning.

I was looking through old pictures trying to find a specific one of my boy--which just lead me to old picture files where my babies were so tiny, and so amazing. ( i mean, they are still amazing now...but they were just tiny little amazing things then.)

But i also noticed that as i looked back,  I seemed to have blonder hair, smaller hips and a healthier smile.(but that's neither here nor there....)

Well, its actually there---cause it ain't here, sister!! AMIRIGHT?!

(insert gentle whimper for the days gone by...and youth.... and a faster metabolism)

But i digress...this is about my little angels.

I just sat there looking at all of the pictures of my babies, as, well-- babies.

And man, were they like the cutest things ever?!?

I wish i had 27 more to have and hold forever!!

Which in turn made my uterus hurt... excuse me while i go snuggle them right now....

Aren't they just perfect?

So happy. So young. So precious. And they love each...

(i saw this one and just accidentally kissed the computer screen.)

 Who loves ya, baby?

 Momma does, THAT'S WHO!!

They are like my very own little princesses and the handsome Prince.

(Oops, just kissed the screen again. Ugh. This is tricky.)


Its like music to my soul to look at my little kidlets.

So, for all you Momma's out there who are in the weeds of toddlerhood. Or baby hood. With sleepless nights. Spit up. Stinky diapers.  No time to yourself. Dirty laundry. Dirty dishes.  Messy hair. Stinky pits. Too tight jeans. Exhaustion. And fatigue....

Just remember this--

 Hug them.....

 And squeeze them.....

 And cuddle them....

 And care for them.....

 And hold them.....

 And kiss them...

 And keep them...

 And love them...


And ever....


Because it really will be gone in the blink of an eye.
And you're going to miss it....

Now, excuse we while i go cry and tell my delicious cake all about it!

1 comment:

  1. OH! I smiled the ENTIRE time I read that post and looked at those precious pictures of your beautiful family. Love.
