Alright, as i look back at 2011, i tried to think of some of the things that have happened..
Fell in love with: Jimmy Fallon & Michael Buble
Fell out of love with: Glee
Fell more in love with: Jeromy Dale Boone
Continued to love: Jesus
Have a love/hate relationship with: Facebook
Favorite TV shows : House, Parenthood, Law & Order, Chopped, & All the Thursday night line up. (and of course, Late night with Jimmy Fallon)
Felt oddly sad about : An injury that happened to an old Biggest Loser contestant. (Sam Poueu)
Formed a great relationship with : My dear friend, Lady T
Realized and felt brokenness for: The feelings of inadequacy and insecurities that today's youth are dealing with.
Felt called to : Lift others up through encouragement. So many people feel valueless and down trodden and are in desperate need of love and acceptance. Especially the hurting kids of the world. We need to stand beside them and protect them when they can't protect themselves.
Inspired to: Be joyful always
Daily routine: Collecting fresh eggs from my chicken coop. (love this one)
Tried to quit, but can't: Dairy Queen double fudge Reece's peanut butter cup blizzards.
Accepted: That i am getting old
Protected: My chickens from a hawk....and then my kids from the chickens...Oy.
Feels completely happy when: I am at home with my family.
Overcame: My fear of end times.
Realized that: mix CD's are the BOMB
New experience: I have a daughter who goes to school FULL time now, and i miss her terribly during the days.
Found joy through: Our amazing small group, who we love!
Read: An abnormal amount of books about chickens.
Dreams to: Dance like Julianne Hough
Realized i want: To live on a farm and to tend animals and crops.
Went: Green...or greenish. Its a work in progress, but an important one. (not so much for the environment, but for my families health.)
New found super food: Kale. Love it, cook it, eat it and hide it in the kids and Jeromy's food. (though Jeromy did comment one time that "could you please stop hiding that green stuff in all the meals!" Ha!
Continued prayer: Salvation for all of my loved ones.
Work in progress: My mouth. Being quick to listen and slow to speak....that is NOT easy.
Favorite verse: Hebrews 10:23 "Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful." Love that one. Got me through the Hell thing.
Felt gratitude for : The amazing friends that i have in my life.
Continued blessing: Financial provision: Jeromy works like a dog to support two households and allow me to stay at home and raise our babies. On paper it shouldn't work out, but somehow it always does!!
Came to : A really great stage in life. I love watching my kids grow they are so funny and smart and wonderful and entertaining as they navigate their way through life and form these great little personalities.
Surprise realization: Just how much i rely on my big strong husband.
Realized that i don't hate the word: Accountability, anymore.
Learned that even though we have opinions and thoughts: That doesn't mean we have to say them.
Continue to realize the importance of: Family not just in my own house, but my extended family.
Can't deny my heartache for : The orphans of the world.
Excited for: An new year to learn and love the life that God has given me!
Hopefully all of your resolutions are holding true and as we look back on last year we realize that we can trust Him more, pray more, smile more, do more, be more, laugh more, dance more (like Julianne Hough) and love more in this new year!!
That's my story and i'm st-st-stickin to it.
Seacrest out